If you need to increase the productivity of your bakery, reduce waste, reduce raw materials, reduce the need of good bakers; take control of your bussines with our frozen products.
If you need to increase the productivity of your bakery, reduce waste, reduce raw materials, reduce the need of good bakers; take control of your bussines with our frozen products.
All the ingredients you need to do your “Roscas de Reyes”
One Stop Shop
All the ingredients you need to do your
“Roscas de Reyes” One Stop Shop
The ingredients you bakery is used to work with.
“Puro Sabor Mexicano”
The ingredients you bakery is used to work with. “Puro Sabor Mexicano”
Dirección: Av. Las Américas 6400, Parque Industrial AVIA, Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, México. C.P. 66367
Dirección: Av. Las Américas 6400, Parque Industrial AVIA, Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, México. C.P. 66367